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Nyingtik Yabzhi
Katog Choling Gön (Katog Rit’hröd)
Retreat Center
Parthenon, Arkansas
Nyingtik Yabzhi
Nov 8 – 12, 2024
Nyingtik Tsapod
Nov 14 – 17, 2024
On the occasion of the consecration of the new temple and representations, Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche offers this special event at the Katog Choling Gön retreat center in Parthenon, Arkansas.
You may attend just the Nyingtik Yabzhi or just the Nyingtik Tsapod or both, but full attendance of either section is mandatory. The Nyingtik Yabzhi will be from the morning of the 8th to the evening of 12th. The 13th serves as a rest and travel day. The Nyingtik Tsapod will be from the morning of the 14th to the evening of the 17th. You must arrive the day before and depart the day after these dates for either both or one of the teachings.
It is Khentrul Rinpoche’s aspiration that all students who are suitable recipients and who have the spiritual good fortune and capacity make their best effort to attend these rare, once in a lifetime transmissions.
Please submit any questions about this event here.
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