Katog Ewam Ling

Food Preparation and Delivery at Emergency Shelter
Sangha members joined with Jewish and Baha’i community members to prepare dinner for over 75 individuals at the emergency shelter and soup kitchen.
Katog Ri’throd

Book Donation to Arkansas Prison Inmate
Sangha members teamed up to collect and donate books for a Buddhist inmate at an Arkansas prison. Sangha members coordinated with prison staff and postal service to ensure that the donations were in accordance with prison guidelines.
Katog Vajra Ling

Animal Release to Save Lives
In Old Saybrook, Connecticut, sangha members purchased a total of more than 270 eels from a bait shop and released them in the Connecticut River on two separate Auspicious Days: Saga Dawa and Chokhor Duchen.
Katog Vajra Ling

Ukrainian Refugee Family Support
Household items were gathered for a single Ukrainian mother with two children who moved into a local apartment. We collected new and gently used household items (sheets, towels, quilt, comforters, electric kettle, colander, pots and pans, casserole and storage dishes, crockpot, rotisseries, glasses, cutting board, toys, etc.) plus $1000 in gift cards for groceries and clothes.
Katog Ri’throd

Life Release
More than 2,500 worms were saved and released to safety at Thanksgiving. They were blessed with dutsi and mantra prayers. The merit was dedicated to all turkeys killed during the Thanksgiving season and all sentient beings.
Katog Vajra Ling

Caring for those in need
A sangha member supported an individual in the community undergoing cancer treatment two to three times a month for nine months which included cleaning, cooking and accompanying them to chemo and medical appointments. (no photo available)
A sangha member took in and cared for a pet cat while another sangha member was in a rehabilitation facility.
A sangha member collected unsold clothing and items from the thrift shop and delivered them to a local homeless shelter.
A sangha member donated pajamas and books for children in the foster system awaiting adaption. (no photo available)
Katog Ri’throd

Gifts for Local Service Workers
Sangha members prepared and packaged cookies, candies, and thank you cards for workers who provide services to Katog Ri’throd throughout the year. These gifts are provided to the road and bridge department, the trash and recycling center, post office, and county commissioner’s office.
Katog Ngey-don Ling

Saving Lives
Sangha members purchased and released 108 crickets, 10 comet goldfish, and a 10lb Ling Cod as a life-release activity to save these beings.