Katog Ri’throd

Jasper Food Room Donations
Sangha members continue to donate monthly on the full moon throughout 2023; over 3-1/2 years the sangha donated a total of over $16,085 since the start of this project.
Katog Ewam Ling

Power of Mind Book Donations
Sangha members purchased 10 copies of Khentrul Lodro Thaye’s book, The Power of Mind and donated them for distribution to prisons across Alaska.
Katog Tara Ling

Food Donation and Distribution
Sangha members joined in a twice monthly food distribution sponsored by St Michael and All Angels Church on Kauai.
Katog Ewam Ling

Women’s Shelter Transitional Housing Donations
Sangha members purchased supplies and donated them to stock new apartments for women moving out of the AWARE (Women’s Shelter) into new transitional housing to help support them as they transition out of the shelter.