His Holiness Katog Moktsa Rinpoche

His Holiness Katog Moktsa Jigdral Lodrö Tenpe Gyaltsen Rinpoche (1930-2022) was one of the five golden throne holders and revered as the “Father of the Katog Lineage.” He was born in Jomda in the year of the Golden Horse. He was recognized as a reincarnation by great master Moktsa Rinpoche by Thubten Chödor Rinpoche, an accomplished practitioner from Dzogchen Monastery, as well as by the great Khenpo Akhu Wangpo. They named him Chakdo (Chakna Dorje, or Vajrapani in Sanskrit) and held a grand enthronement ceremony for him at Katog Monastery.
His Holiness received all the transmissions and empowerments of Kama and Terma in the Nyingma school from Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, Katog Getse Rinpoche, Jigme Tenpa Namgyal, and other lamas.
Later, His Holiness was in charge of Katog Monastery for many years. He oversaw the construction of the Zangdok Palri Mandala there; sponsored the painting of large, magnificent Buddha thangkas; and built the Shakyamuni Buddha Hall, the golden-domed Mahavira Hall, and the Rongey Retreat Center. His Holiness has sponsored numberless dharma projects and practitioners, and continuously provides subsidies for daily necessities for the long-term retreatants. For several decades, His Holiness has traveled tirelessly, giving teachings and transmissions in all of the Katog branch monasteries. Moreover, he has provided enormous financial support to them by building retreat centers; sponsoring representations of enlightened body, speech, and mind such as statues and stupas; and supporting many other projects. In 2007, His Holiness built a large, exterior, gold-plated statue of the founding master of Katog, Katog Dampa Deshek, at the mother monastery. He also undertook a special project that exemplifies his great compassion and wisdom: the Mandala of One Hundred Peaceful and Wrathful Deities of Katog.
Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche considers His Holiness one of his closest teachers. His Holiness granted the name Katog Choling to the organization upon its incorporation in 2004. In 2020, His Holiness gave the new Katog Rit’hrod main temple the name Katog Drodul Sang-ngak Ling Potrang (Katog Palace of the Secret Mantra that Guides Beings). Khentrul Rinpoche has taken hundreds of western students to meet and receive transmissions from His Holiness on two occasions –- in 2007 and in 2012 –- and upon Khentrul Rinpoche’s request, His Holiness granted extensive and profound spiritual transmissions to those who attended.