A History of Katog Choling – North America

Katog Choling is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that supports all of Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche’s dharma activities including: Katog Rit’hrod Mountain Retreat Center and Katog Ati Ling Drubdra (three-year retreat center) in the U.S., Katog Mardo Tashi Choling Monastery in Tibet, Compassion in Action (service activities), teachings, translation, and other Buddhist projects and programs.
In Khentrul Rinpoche’s own words:
At the age of seventy-seven, His Holiness (H.H.) Katog Moksa Rinpoche, a true crest ornament to the teachings of the early translation school, gave me a very deep and insistent directive to come to the United States in such a manner that I had no alternative but to comply. I arrived in the U.S. in September 2002, at the invitation of Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, and was hosted by Chagdud Gonpa dharma centers. After a few years of teaching to the best of my capacity, I was invited to the southern United States. At that time, many positive conditions gathered, creating both the inner and outer interdependence — combined with encouragement from H.H. Katog Moksa Rinpoche — to establish Katog Choling. The name signifies that it is a lineage holder of the famed Katog tradition. The glorious Katog lineage is the headwaters for the teachings of the Early Translation School of Nyingma, one of the main schools of Tibetan Buddhism. With little effort we were able to incorporate as a nonprofit organization. Its primary aim is to preserve the buddha dharma and culture of Tibet. By doing so, it is my heartfelt aspiration that it may serve beings not only in this country and Tibet, but throughout the entire world, by providing refuge from mental and physical suffering, and by spreading peace and happiness in all directions, to all realms of the universe in the present and for eons to come, just like the radiant sun that benefits us all. May this foundation be a vehicle for assisting beings across the globe.
We greatly appreciate any way in which you can support this activity. May your good intentions and aspirations blossom into greater and greater benefit for all beings.
~Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche