The Mardo Tashi Choling Sponsorship Program
for Children, Monks, and Retreatants

An Opportunity for Generosity
The sponsorship program is a wonderful way to cultivate the practice of generosity. Through your kindness and financial support, food, shelter, and education opportunities are provided to the children, monks, and retreatants of Katog Mardo Tashi Choling.
What is Sponsorship?
All the children, monks, and retreatants at Mardo Tashi Choling are supported financially by the generosity of Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche’s students world wide, through donations and pujas (ceremonies). Donations ensure a stable living situation so that they can reside in the monastery and focus on studying and practicing the Buddhist path. Beyond the immediate needs of food, clothing, and lodging, your sponsorship will provide a child, monk, or retreatant with educational tools, skills, and values that will benefit them throughout their lifetime.
How Does Shared Sponsorship Work?
You can choose which program you want to support: children, monks, or retreatants. When you make a donation, your contributions are pooled with those of other sponsors within the same program, ensuring that everyone will benefit equally. Be assured that your sponsorship will directly provide someone in need with nutritious food, lodging, warm clothes, education and health care—all within the context of their own cultural and social setting.
How Do I Sign Up?
Your commitment of $365 (or $31 a month) sponsors a child, monk, or retreatant for one full year. You can become a sponsor today either online (by credit card) or by check. When we receive your gift, you will be sent an acknowledgement from Katog Choling confirming your participation in the sponsorship program.