
That which liberates the knots of attachment and stinginess,
Extracts the essence from illusory wealth,
And becomes a great treasury of benefit for ourselves and others—
The practice of pure generosity—may it be perfected.

~Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche

If even the giving of a single small flower becomes an offering, and like the example of the power of connection in how one drop of water merges with the entire ocean, without judging the size of a donation, all offerings are endowed with merit that moves the waves of benefit for beings. 

As it is said, “A gathering of many small parts can become a great whole.” When we reflect upon it, if we were to give away even half the price of what we spend on a single cup of tea or coffee a day, how much benefit for others could we accrue over time?

In this way, please help by regularly tossing seeds into this jeweled vessel of benefit for others. Any virtue accumulated by these offerings will be dedicated for the benefit of all, together with  aspirations made on their behalf.

~Khentrul Lodrö Thayé Rinpoche

Katog Choling is a nonprofit 501c3. All donations are tax deductible.

If you do not wish to donate online, you can use this form to send us a check.

General donations support the following facilities and activities:

  • Tibet: Katog Mardo Tashi Choling Monastery
  • United States: Operating costs of Katog Choling and Katog Rit’hröd
  • Representations such as statues, texts, or stupas for Katog Rit’hröd
  • Katog Ati Ling Drubdra (three-year retreat center)
  • Katog Maghada Publishing (translation, publishing, and dissemination of texts)

If you wish to contribute your time, please contact your regional coordinator and enquire about our Compassion In Action program and other local initiatives.