Caring for Beings

Katog Ewam Ling Food Preparation and Delivery at Emergency Shelter Sangha members joined with Jewish and Baha’i community members to…

Katog Ri’throd Newton County Commodities Program Sangha members volunteer once a month at the Newton County Commodities Program, which is…

Katog Vajra Ling – Life Release Animal Release In Old Saybrook, CT, Sangha members purchased a total of more than…

2020 Mask Project
Katog Choling Regional Practice Groups Covid-19 Mask Project Over 50,000 masks donated from Pema Dorje (Chinese student of HH Moksa…

Katog Mati Ling Waikiki Homeless Youth Services Food Delivery Sangha members provided food for homeless youth at the Waikiki Homeless…

Katog Ewam Ling Cooking at the Glory Hall Emergency Shelter and Soup Kitchen Sangha members cooked dinner for 65-80 individuals…

Katog Mati Ling Teaching Meditation in Hawaii Prisons We’ve been volunteering since 2018 in two Hawaii prisons. We teach meditation…