Katog Vajra Ling – Life Release

Animal Release
In Old Saybrook, CT, Sangha members purchased a total of more than 400 eels from a bait shop and released them in the CT River on 3 separate holy days: Saga Dawa, Chokor Duchen, and Lha Bab Duchen.
Katog Tara Ling – Volunteering

Volunteers to the Kauai Human Society
Katog Tara Ling sangha members helped with animals at the Kauai Humane Society. They were desperate for volunteers and really appreciated our help.
Katog Tara Ling

Food Drive for Kauai Food Bank
The sangha hosted a Food Drive for the Kauai Food Bank at the Moloaa Stupa Caring Day.
Katog Ewam Ling

Thanksgiving Food Baskets
Sangha members assisted volunteer organizations in packing and delivering Thanksgiving food supplies to families in need.