Katog Ri’throd

Newton County Commodities Program
Sangha members volunteer once a month at the Newton County Commodities Program, which is a program that distributes free food to people living below the poverty level. The program serves 65-85 families.
Katog Vajra Ling

Saving Lives in Connecticut
Sangha members purchased a total of more than 400 eels from a bait shop and released them in the river on four auspicious days: Saga Dawa, Chotrul, Chotrul Duchen, Chokor Duchen, and Lha Bab Duchen.
Katog Mati Ling

Prison Meditation Program
Sangha members provided meditation training for prisoners at both the men’s and women’s prison.
Katog Vajra Ling

Giving of Oneself for Others
A sangha member donated blood three times during 2022, and donated hair to a local organization for use by those needing wigs due to illness.
Katog Ewam Ling

Food Bank Donations
Sangha members purchased, donated, and delivered pre-packaged food bags along with monetary donations of more than $500 to the Southeast Alaska Food Bank, which provides food to “Food Pantries” and local shelters throughout the Southeast Alaska area.
Katog Vajra Ling

Food for Families in Need
Sangha members boxed and loaded food with United Way for distribution to families with children during the summer when school meals were not available.