Atisha’s Seven Points of Mind Training

Compiled by the Indian master Atisha, The Seven Key Points of Mind Training is the condensed essence of all of the practices taught by the Buddha for taming the mind.
Taming the mind is the process of refining away mental afflictions until we are no longer ruled by our circumstances and the negative thoughts or emotions they elicit. When we engage in mind training, we set ourselves on a path, a series of steps that lead to a result. That result is happiness that does not depend on external conditions. Whether favorable or unfavorable things happen, we learn to use those circumstances to cultivate further causes for happiness. Just as exercising the body brings greater physical well-being, exercising the mind in this way brings greater mental well-being.
This mind training program is based on Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche’s book, The Power of Mind, a practice manual for the Seven Key Points of Mind Training. There are distinct trainings contained within these seven key points, each of which is a practical tool for working with our minds. This course guides students through one point at a time, focusing on how to integrate the meaning of each throughout the course of a day. It includes recordings of Rinpoche teaching, daily practice outlines, a class forum, and other resources.
Course Duration: 6-8 months depending on student’s pace (2-4 days per practice).
The first two sections of this course – the Course Introduction and the First Key Point – are available and open to everyone without enrolling. This allows students to get a feel for the course and its requirements before committing further by enrolling in the full course. On February 28, the first day of the Tibetan New Year (Losar), the full course will officially unlock.