Upcoming Events
For questions concerning a specific event, please email the contact listed in the event's details.

Finding Joy In Troubled Times

Khentrul Rinpoche will reveal how we can enjoy greater well-being in our lives by sharing some remarkable and little known tools for transforming adversity.

Profound Meditation, Unifying Shamatha and Vipashyana: An Instruction for Meditating on the Heart by Mipham Rinpoche

Khentrul Rinpoche will teach profound methods for taming the disturbing emotions and negative thoughts that afflict our minds and rob us of physical and mental peace.

Songs of Spiritual Realization

Called doha in Sanskrit, these songs spontaneously burst forth from realized Buddhist masters of India and Tibet without any thought or deliberation over composition.

CANCELLED – The Four Immeasurables

Learn more about how to develop for yourself immeasurable equanimity, loving kindness, compassion, and joy.

Transforming Happiness And Suffering

Khentrul Rinpoche will reveal how we can enjoy much greater well-being in our lives by sharing some remarkable and little known tools for transforming adversity.

Practice for the Full Solar Eclipse
On the day of a full solar eclipse, all positive and negative actions are greatly magnified and their power to effect is multiplied many times over. For this reason, Rinpoche would like to use this special opportunity to give nyungnay fasting vows and establish a day of practice.

Heart Sutra: Two-Weekend Webcast Teaching
The Heart Sutra is the Buddha’s quintessential teaching on wisdom. It elucidates the true nature of phenomena, just as it is, free of all elaborations.
July 27-28 and August 24-25

Nyingtik Yabzhi
On the occasion of the consecration of the new temple and representations, Khentrul Lodrö T’hayé Rinpoche offers this special event at the Katog Choling Gön retreat center in Parthenon, Arkansas.