Upcoming Events
For questions concerning a specific event, please email the contact listed in the event's details.

The Mirror of the Essential Practice of Unifying the Two Accumulations

Khentrul Rinpoche has long aspired to teach this pith instruction on unifying the practices of accumulating merit and wisdom.

The Practice of Mindfulness & Meditation

To attain peace of mind, we need to gain command over our thoughts—a skill cultivated by relying on the methods of mindfulness.

Profound Insight Vipashyana Meditation Pith Advice

Khentrul Lodrö T'hayé Rinpoche will teach on the profound advice for understanding the abiding nature of our mind through direct experience, the key to the Mahamudra-Dzogchen approaches.

Finding Joy In Troubled Times

Please check back shortly for further details.

Mind And Mental States

Please check back shortly for further details.

The Heart Essence of Interdependent Origination

By understanding how all phenomena arise interdependently, we can cultivate the causes of happiness, eliminate or reduce suffering, and gain insights about the mechanism for consciousness’s experience during the dying process and beyond.

Weekend Teaching

Please check back shortly for further details.

Weekend Teaching

Please check back shortly for further details.