Atisha’s Seven Points of Mind Training – Lojong


Flash Cards

Flashcards are an excellent way to strengthen your ability to actively recall and implement the mind training practices throughout your day. Writing these words in your own hand adds to the memorization process. This is an example of how you might design your cards:

Front Side:

Write the exact statement from the Root Text.

Example—Continually Train in the Three Universal Points

Back Side:

What are the key points to recall about each statement? Review your study materials to condense them into a few short sentences. In this example, you might write:

  1. Don’t contradict the commitmentsThe commitments are to uphold our other precepts – pratimoksha, bodhichitta, samaya.
  2. Don’t allow your conduct to become mixed upGenerate the courage of the view, but don’t forget that illusory actions are illusory causes that produce illusory results. 
  3. Don’t let your mind training become biasedAlways check your mind and actions to make sure that you are not picking and choosing when to apply mind training and when not.