Atisha’s Seven Points of Mind Training – Lojong

The Seven Key Points of Mind Training: Root Text

A Teaching From Atisha

First Key Point: Preliminaries, The Support for Practice

  1. First, train in the preliminaries. 

Second Key Point: The Actual Practice, Training in Bodhichitta

  1. Consider all phenomena to be like a dream. 
  2. Examine the fundamental nature of unborn mind. 
  3. Even the remedy naturally subsides on its own. 
  4. Rest in the true essence, the ongoing state of the ground of being. 
  5. During post-meditation, see everything as an illusion. 
  6. Train in giving and receiving alternately. Do so by riding the breath. 
  7. Three objects, three poisons, three roots of virtue. 
  8. Train using sayings during all activities. 
  9. Start by accepting your own suffering. 

Third Key Point: Transforming Adverse Conditions Into the Path to Awakening

  1. When the entire world and all living beings are filled with negativity, transform adversity into the path to awakening. 
  2. Drive all blame into one. 
  3. Meditate on the great kindness of all. 
  4. Meditating on the appearances of confusion as the four kayas is the unsurpassed protection of emptiness. 
  5. The four applications are the supreme method. 
  6. Immediately join whatever you encounter to the training. 

Fourth Key Point: Integrating Practice Into Your Whole Life

  1. A concise explanation on the heart essence of pith instructions: train in the five forces.
  2. The Mahayana oral instruction for transferring consciousness at the time of death is the five forces. Conduct is important. 

Fifth Key Point: The Measure of Mind Training

  1. All dharmas have a single, unified purpose. 
  2. Of the two witnesses, rely on the primary one. 
  3. Always keep a joyful mind. 
  4. There is proficiency if we can train while distracted. 

Sixth Key Point: The Commitments of Mind Training 

  1. Continually train in the three universal principles. 
  2. Change your intention, but act naturally. 
  3. Don’t speak about others’ defects. 
  4. Don’t concern yourself with others’ affairs. 
  5. Train in the most obvious afflictive emotion first. 
  6. Give up all hope for a result. 
  7. Avoid poisoned food. 
  8. Don’t be dependable. 
  9. Don’t retaliate against nasty words. 
  10. Don’t wait in ambush. 
  11. Don’t strike at a vulnerable point. 
  12. Don’t put the oxen’s load on the cow. 
  13. Don’t place your sole attention on the fastest.
  14. Don’t misapply ceremonial practice. 
  15. Don’t allow the divine to be reduced to the demonic. 
  16. Don’t seek others’ suffering as a component of happiness. 

Seventh Key Point: Advice for Mind Training

  1. Make all yogas one.
  2. Use one method of correction for everything. 
  3. In the beginning and the end, there are two things to do. 
  4. Whichever of the two occurs, be patient. 
  5. Observe these two, even at the risk of life. 
  6. Train in the three challenges. 
  7. Adopt the three principal requisites. 
  8. Meditate without these three deteriorating. 
  9. Act without the three being separated. 
  10. Train impartially toward all objects. Extensive and deep training in everything is crucial.  Always train in the most difficult points. 
  11. Don’t be dependent upon other conditions. 
  12. This time, practice the indispensable point. 
  13. Don’t misunderstand. 
  14. Don’t be sporadic. 
  15. Train wholeheartedly. 
  16. Find freedom through both investigation and examination. 
  17. Don’t be self-congratulatory. 
  18. Restrain jealousy. 
  19. Don’t be dramatic. 
  20. Don’t seek acknowledgment. 

This quintessential elixir of heart advice, which transforms the five kinds of rampant degeneration into the path of enlightenment, is a transmission from Serlingpa. The awakening of the karmic energy of previous training aroused intense interest in me. Therefore, I ignored suffering and criticism and sought instruction for subduing self-clinging. Now, I can die, and I’ll regret nothing. 

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